
Media Releases

30 April 2020

"We may be allowed out of the house, but we're not out of the woods yet when it comes to the financial effects on COVID-19," says Lyn McMorran, Executive Director of the Financial Services Federation (FSF), in this Q&A.

3 March 2020

The FSF is encouraging borrowers who have been affected financially by coronavirus (Covid-19) to talk to their providers and check if they have a credit-related insurance policy.

17 October 2019

Fresh thinking when it comes to finance, and an ability to "walk the talk" with responsible lending were common themes among those who took out the second-ever FSF Awards.

3 September 2019

FSF says new proposals to better protect borrowers are a step in the right direction, but more can be done to target predatory lenders causing harm to consumers and tainting the sector.

9 July 2019

FSF is confident that its new suggestion to MBIE will do more to help vulnerable borrowers than the Bill's proposed interest and fees cap or a straight interest rate cap.

9 July 2019

FSF is confident that its new suggestion to MBIE will do more to help vulnerable borrowers than the Bill's proposed interest and fees cap or a straight interest rate cap.

4 April 2019

Kiwis seeking financial advice will be able to sleep sounder with the passing of the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill.

5 February 2019

"Messages from the Royal Commission are ones that all sectors of financial services providers and indeed all businesses should listen to," FSF.

30 January 2019

"All financial services providers should consider implications of the review" - FSF

27 November 2018

FSF Executive Director Lyn McMorran discusses the pros and cons for proposed changes to the CCCFA, including interest rate caps, duties on directors, and prescriptive affordability assessment requirements.


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