
FSF in the News April 30, 2020

Loan shark clamp-down fast-tracked

FSF is pleased that the beefing up of high-cost loan laws has been fast tracked to help protect consumers. Meanwhile, responsible lenders doing all they can to help their customers.

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AutoFile April 30

Borrowers feeling bite of pandemic

Inquiries for motor vehicle assistance shot up 500 per cent during the lockdown and the Financial Services Federation expects the impact of Covid-19 will be felt for months to come.

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AutoTalk April 30

New Lending Demand Virtually Stopped

FSF executive director, Lyn McMorran, says its members are instead focusing on helping individuals and small businesses affected financially by the lockdowns.

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NZ Herald March 2020

"Diana Clement: Get on top of debt or get help"

Financial providers are stepping up in many ways to help those affected financially by COVID-19, but they can only help when they know what's going on. Diana Clement speaks to FSF Executive Director, Lyn McMorran.

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NBR, March 2020

"People financially hurt by pandemic urged to get help sooner than later"

FinCap Chief Executive Tim Barnett and FSF Executive Director Lyn McMorran discuss the work their organisations are doing together to help those affected financially by Covid-19.

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NZ Herald, July, 2019

Finance industry wants tougher stance on payday lenders

Pay day lenders should be clearly identified, named on a public register and directors and top executives should have to pass fit and proper tests, says an industry body which represents major finance companies.

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National Business Review, July 11, 2019

Enforce current loan shark laws, we don't need more

FSF is interviewed on NBR about why blanket caps on interest and fees sound good in theory, but in practice won't do enough to protect vulnerable borrowers

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NZ Adviser, July 11, 2019

FSF: Interest rate caps won't protect vulnerable borrowers

Federation calls for payday lenders to be specifically outlined in legislation to protect vulnerable borrowers.

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AutoFile front page, July edition, 2019

Call to delay review of financial sector

FSF says conduct options paper should be postponed until other financial services consultation lands to avoid contradictions or overlap.

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NZ Adviser, March 20, 2019

Will high-cost loan interest caps really protect vulnerable consumers?

Executive director Lyn McMorran says a 100% cap on high-cost loans will not necessarily provide the protection that customers need...

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